About the Blog

Whatever is written in this blog
is an outcome of fantasy put to
words, it is nothing but lies
but then again I just lied.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ego Toy

He’s just an ego boy
And I his ego toy.


  1. I assume one wud complain on the minimal use of words but i feel there's so much you can read into from the above two lines^^^ Words are powerful, intense and strong^^^ everything what this poem is.... :)

  2. wasnt expecting it o be like this.. but still.... AWESOME!

  3. @jeremy.... its been months i've been drafting this one... couldnt find more to add... The poem is complete in itself.... it wud be interrupting if i added my own... it is what it is... me like it though :)

  4. ummm... 1st time i've seen a 2 lined poem though... haha!
    simple, short, straight on point.. i like it :)

  5. va tawi fel teh at vat a...kim vek bok sia..ngaihtuah tur t tam hle mai..:) NICE!!!

  6. says she's my ego toy
    truly spoken with her ego.

    ka zin hlanin i lo phuah leh hman ani maw...ka 1st hman lo..

    short but very meaningful! :)

  7. I am gentle with my ego toy,
    For breaking it, would break more than just my ego

  8. Don't let yourself be an egoist toy! Big chance your ego will also get hurt!

  9. Thousand likes for d above^^^^ @illusionaire
    "I am gentle with my ego toy,
    For breaking it, would break more than just my ego"

    And Thnx @ Maisek

  10. I bet this poem wasn't easy.. just like a preacher needs more time preparing 4 a shorter sermon.. short n effective... super like

  11. Thnx Miichael... two lines say all it need to be said^

  12. very delicate with your choice of words. yet very soft and straight to the point

  13. One of the best two sentences I've read and seen.
