About the Blog

Whatever is written in this blog
is an outcome of fantasy put to
words, it is nothing but lies
but then again I just lied.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

IT (Mother’s Love)

Like a glass slipper that wraps your delicate feet
It fits you right wherever you go
It greets you with a morning’s assurance
The feeling that keeps you forward
And with this presence I sing, I dance
I live, I may stumble
No matter how high or low you bent
Not a place where It does not follow
It is like a song whose melody is peace
A song that soothes you after a day’s hardship
Every moment in your life’s busy
You know It is there and you live to It
But what am I for this Omnipresent
Still a shining star that illuminates all
And for that, a soul can never waste
And always a star, even if I fall.


  1. This is for my Mother, my strength and my refuge.

  2. Ohhh.. Mother's Love there's no word to explain it.

  3. It is like a song whose melody is peace
    A song that soothes you every moment in your life

  4. @ Mr.X, i live to this every moment of my life^^^
